Don't forget that summer rec forms can be turned into the village hall or the school. The deadline has been extended to 6/23. Summer Rec starts on July 5!
It isn't too late to sign up for Credit Recovery Summer School for all 9-12 grade students. The first session starts on Monday. This is a great opportunity to get your credits to keep you on track to graduate with your class.
Athletics: Our very own 2X State Champ, Alex Affer has been invited to compete at the Nike Outdoor Nationals at Hayward Field in Eugene, Oregon. If you would like to make a donation to help Alex get there please stop in the superintendent's office Friday or Monday from 9 am-2 pm. Cash and checks will be accepted and appreciated by the family! What a great opportunity and honor!
Athletics: There is still time to sign up for the youth basketball clinic next week. It is for students (boys and girls) going into grades 4-8. It is Monday-Thursday from 12:30-2 and the cost is $25. Just call the superintendent's office (810)378-5200 (option 3) and we will put your student on the list. Thanks!
It's a Pizza Party Celebration! I challenged my math students to raise their STAR test scores by beating the district's benchmark or raising the scores by 1 whole grade level. The students met their goals and celebrated! I am VERY PROUD of them! ALWAYS PROUD TO BE A PIRATE!
These were found in the parking lot. They are in the high school office if you want them back!
6th Grade Students: Math Module 13 Quiz is tomorrow, June 6. The social studies test is also tomorrow, June 6. Students have received study guides to help them prepare. Don't forget about your extra credit opportunities with both assessments. Contact Mrs. Oz with any questions:
Mrs. Smith's Kindergarteners made cards for a little girl battling cancer from Croswell that underwent very extensive surgery this past week. We hope these cards bring a smile to Claire, as it did to these kids while making them!!!
Hello Elementary Families!! Tomorrow is Field Day from 12:00-2:30 pm. Please make sure your child has a water bottle, tennis shoes, spare clothing, sunscreen, hat or sunglasses, and maybe a small towel. It looks like we have a bright sunny day ahead of us! 😎 ☀️
Kindergarten Reminder with our field day tomorrow afternoon please send in a water bottle, extra change of clothes (there will be water games), small beach towel, and sunscreen.
Hop on board! If you're looking for Preschool programming for your 2.5-5 year old child for the fall, we have a few openings available. Please call the elementary office to get signed up Monday 6/5!
Good Morning Pirate Families! K-5th grades will be having field day next week on Monday 6/5 from 12:00-2:30, weather permitting. We are in need of some adult volunteers that afternoon. Please call the elementary office if interested. Thank you!
Junior High Track team end of season pizza party will be tomorrow 6/2 after school.
Jr High Awards are tomorrow, May 31st, at 1:00 in the cafeteria. If your child is receiving an award you would have received a letter home about it a few weeks ago. There will be root beer floats for all following the awards ceremony. If you would like to take your child home after the awards you can sign them out.
7th Grade MATH: GR 2 Assessment will be tomorrow, Wednesday, May 31. Students were given a study guide to help them prepare. Contact Mrs. Osantowski with any questions:
Good afternoon 5th-grade parents/guardians. Your child will be participating in our 6th-grade orientation on Thursday. They will walk through a day in the life of a current 6th grader. All 5th-grade students will be on the middle school side of the building all day. They will run the schedule they will have next year including lunch time. All 5th graders will report to Ms. Kroetsch's room in the morning and she will escort them to their first-hour teacher. Students will participate in whatever activities our middle school teachers have planned for them. Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Kroetsch.
Attention all high school parents/guardians: This is a reminder of our handbook policy for final exams. Students are allowed 10 absences (Excused, or Unexcused) per semester. Over 10 Absences (any combined) per semester = the student must pass the final exam AND the class to receive credit (high school only). If you need to check how many absences your student has you can log into Skyward to find out.
Attention High School parents: Please see the attached flyer regarding Credit Recovery Summer School options. If your child needs to make up a course or two you will receive a phone call from our tutor, Mr. Markham, this week.
Kindergarten familes here is our Detroit Zoo field trip agenda for Tuesday, May 30. If you are driving be sure to meet us at the gate at 10!
Here is the final exam schedule for Jr/Sr High.