Wishing the best of luck to the Varsity Cross Country team as they head to Harbor Beach @ Wagner Park to compete in the regional meet tomorrow morning!
School pictures for both the elementary and the jr/sr high are scheduled for November 10th. More information will be coming home with students in the coming days.
The following students earned a Positive Office Referral in the last two weeks.
Grade 6
Kaylee Gow(2)
Stevie Johnston
Maiya Lazarus(2)
Harper Kerr
Robert Wixson
Taylor Quintano
John Bader(2)
Brooke Donbrosky(2)
Parker Emerick
Paytyn Gark
Hunter Hill
Morgan Loxton(2)
Makylah Edwards
Hunter Putz
Max Brackenrich
Kimberly Ureel
Brandon Affer
Charlie Scott(2)
Hunter Hammond(3)
Dakota Shephard
Owen Schultz
Rylen Youds(2)
Braelyn Scheuer
Mason Royle
Abbigale Gadzinski
Rylie Walls
Grade 8
Sebastian Gieraltowski(3)
Zyla Hazzard
Jacob Walls(3)
Wesley Hang(2)
Aletta Jones
Elijah Pohlman(2)
Lexi Youds
Justine Loxton
Madalynn Meyers(2)
Riley Krigner(2)
Grade 9
Sam Scott
Kyla Lentner(2)
Nathan VanConant
Lane Warner
Daniel Henninger
Camrin Watson
Kaden Lleranas
Blake Trombley(2)
Re’nee Kunna
Collin Koon
Asher Youds(2)
Troy Williams
Shianna Abrego
Grace McLarty
Chris Gieraltowski
Zander Smith
Jacob Hart
Brianna Bartel-Ryan
Grade 10
Layla Godsey
Victoria Faith(2)
Jay Clark
Katelynn Smith(2)
Gwendolynn Rhein(2)
Jake Molesworth
Mavis Robinson
Thomas West
Kristen Gieraltowski
Ella Hogan
Lucas Trombley
Sean Holman
Chloee Lieblang
Charlotte Ferguson
Hannah Burch
Carla Harris
Grade 11
Aubrey Martinez
Dakota Wolfe
Ethan Donbroski
Jarusafer Geiser
Grade 12
Brandy Whiteside
Emma Robar
Savannah Spiegel
Aurora Fettes
Elizabeth Wells
Join us for a festive celebration filled with young talent! See attached posters and save the dates for our K-4th Grade Holiday Program and our 5th-12th Grade Holiday Band Concert!
There are still mums here from the fundraiser that have not been picked up. Please notify the office if they belong to you.
This is a friendly reminder that NO students should be in the building after the school day unless they attend a practice or have after-school detention. Students who have practice should then be where their practice is held, not wandering around the building. Any students in the building after school hours who are not supposed to be in the building will be asked to vacate the premises. Thank you for partnering with us regarding this matter.
8th Grade Math: Module 3 Quiz is Monday, October 23. Students were given a study guide to help them prepare. Don't forget your extra credit! Contact Mrs. Osantowski with any questions: osantowskia@peckschools.net
Please see Monster Mash Flyer and presale ticket sign up. Hard copies will be sent home with Peck Elementary students!
HELP NEEDED! In order to make Peck Elementary's Annual MONSTER MASH a success, we need your help! We are in need of candy and volunteers to hand out treats from 6-7 pm on 10/28. If you or your business would like to help, please contact the elementary office!
The JV & Varsity Girls Volleyball game in Deckerville has been changed to Friday, October 20th, 2023 at 6:00pm. Come and cheer on the Lady Pirates!!
Please see the attached flyer regarding the Blood Drive scheduled for November 7th.
Good evening. Tomorrow at 3:30 junior high girls will begin their basketball practices. A physical must be on file to practice. If your athlete does not have a physical they may go and watch until they have a physical on file with the athletic department. Practice will be held in the old gym /cafeteria area. Thank you and have a good evening.
Please click the link for Halloween info at Peck Elementary! https://www.canva.com/design/DAFwylnpiE4/Css3u8o6USknUsj21SB9dw/view?utm_content=DAFwylnpiE4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
11th Grade: Remember that your vocab quiz is tomorrow, Thursday, 10-19-23.
Attention 10th Grade: Your English test is tomorrow, 10-19-23. Make sure you study and please see Mrs. Shephard with any questions.
Advisory: EMT services have been called to respond a medical emergency in the building. There is NOT a safety concern for our students.
Good afternoon elementary parents! Just a reminder that your Color Mountain Cards are due back to school by Thursday, October 19, 2023 (please return whether ordering or not). If you are planning on ordering please include your check with your order. Thank you and have a great week! Mrs. Wood
Wanted to let everyone know that at this Thursday's game, the band will be performing BEFORE kickoff. Our show will begin at 6:30pm! Be sure to get there early to watch the band take the field one last time this season! Thank you everyone for your support!
Friendly reminder sign up for elementary boys basketball this week. Mr Welch we be in classrooms for sign ups this week. Those who have already signed up, do not need to do so for a second time. Grades 4th and 5th elementary boys basketball. Thank you.
The end of the first marking period is Friday, Oct. 27th. That is the last day teachers will accept any late or missing work. Please make sure you are checking Skyward with your student(s) to ensure they get everything turned in before the deadline.